Getting Started

Xaki is a .NET library for adding multi-language support to POCO classes. It includes a lightweight service for persisting and retrieving data to and from databases using any ORM.

Xaki works well with all versions of Entity Framework and includes ASP.NET Core support for automatic localization to language codes provided by routes, querystrings, cookies, and HTTP headers.

        public class Planet : ILocalizable
            public int PlanetId { get; set; }

            [Localized, Required]
            public string Name { get; set; }

            [Localized, DataType(DataType.Html)]
            public string Description { get; set; }


Xaki can be added to any .NET Core, .NET Standard, or .NET Full Framework project by installing the lightweight Xaki package from Nuget:

    Install-Package Xaki


    dotnet add package Xaki

If using ASP.NET Core you can install alternatively install the Xaki.AspNetCore package directly.

You can then add unobtrusive multi-language support to any POCO or ORM class by implementing ILocalizable and decorating attributes with LocalizedAttribute as shown in the example above.